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Archive | Portland Property Management

Core, Realtors was founded by Chris Johnson, who has over 22 years of real estate expertise in the Portland Oregon metropolitan market. Chris believes in one thing only, the best possible customer service, and it applies equally to resident and owner alike. With a business model that integrates customer service and management disciplines to the highest degree, Core is not only a company, it’s a place to be!
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P: (503) 407-9924
F: (503) 293-8072

What is a GIM?

GIM stands for Gross Income Multiplier, which is also known as Gross Rent Multiplier (GRM). This is a method used to value plexes/apartments by dividing the price of the property by the current rental income. If the total current rental income is $20,000 and the asking price is $240,000 then the gross income multiplier =12. […]

What does DCR stand for?

DCR (debt-coverage-ratio) is the ratio of a property’s net operating income (income after expenses but before debt service) to the annual debt payments due on the loan. For example, a property with an NOI of $100,000 and annual debt payments totaling $80,000 would produce a DCR of 1.25 ($100,000/$80,000). This is the ratio that Lenders […]

What can I learn from a Proforma?

A proforma tells you the Gross Income Multiplier (GIM) and the CAP (capitalization) rate for the property. But they come in many different versions, so there is no real standard to consider. Hopefully you will also learn what current rent rates are overall along with income and expenses and other building details. Ideally it would […]