I’ve had the good pleasure of encountering a ton of realtors through my 27 years to date here in Portland, Oregon. And while times are surely changing with the shift in technologies, both in how we all do paperwork, and surely how we communicate, I thought I’d share some perspective of our brothers and sisters […]
Negotiations- It’s More Than You Think!
In our weekly office meeting, I got to talking about negotiations, and what that really means. To some, it’s a the tug of war to outright win. To others, it might be a collaboration to get all over the same goal line. And I suppose for most of us, the truth of it lies in […]
What Really is a Win-Win?
So in the travels of 27 plus years in real estate, most of the training I received early on, was the craftwork of the deal. Call it old school if you will, but given the comparison to today’s “newer” agents, and the use of technology, there really isn’t any craftwork. And […]
Landlords VS. Tenants – City of Portland Rent Control Ordinance
The following is an email I sent to all 5 city councilors in Portland, with nary a peep back. It must be my cologne…….I also sent this to 9 State of Oregon House Reps (House Bill 2004), and by golly, I got 2 responses back! Take a read, it’s just one take on the “battle” […]
It Never Rains in Portland
Egads, over 10 inches of rain, Feb 2017! All time rain record. Which led to an all time record for plugged and overloaded gutters, leaky basements, a sink hole, flat out water just getting everywhere. Our maintenance crews in our property management division working hard to contain it all, and they have really done a […]
Navigating Off-Market Deals
I tend to get this call a good number of times every week, from folks I know super well, and from those that I’ve never met, but got my name somehow, someway. Everyone seems to be after an off-market deal, but are they really deals or not? “Good question” I say. What is an off-market […]
The Importance of Maintenance
While I do not know every cause of the current “housing crises” in Portland, and certainly do not have all of the answers, I have seen a contributing factor during my day-to-day life as Realtor, property manager, and construction manager. The effect that deferred maintenance and landlords that are unwilling (or perhaps in some cases […]
Is Negotiation Dead?
ne·go·ti·a·tion nəˌɡōSHēˈāSH(ə)n/ Discussion aimed at reaching an agreement…………….it’s all but dead here in Portland, Oregon in 2016! Why do I say that? OK, I’ll hop on my high horse and explain. It’s really just my perspective on how us realtors are dealing with each other in transactions. Somewhere along this incredible run up, through arguably […]
Real Estate 101 is not the Avatar in the Cloud
The more things change, the more they stay the same. I’m reading my real estate agent/broker magazine today, and the entire issue is devoted to new technologies, cloud stuff, virtual broker stuff, stuff in the cloud stuff. But not a single part in the same article, is the connection we are supposed to have, […]
DIY Landlords
I just read an interesting article, proffered by a national real estate franchise operation. I continue to marvel at the length of experts in the field of property management, who have view points that just don’t add up. Let me explain about this one…………so what the author suggests is that professional property managers are […]